Friday, August 17, 2012

Aging Gracefully

A gal friend had gone into the grocery store while her husband, my hubby, and I waited in the car. Time passed as the men visited in the front seat, and I, seated in the back, browsed pages of a newly aquired cookbook.

I smiled as a young lady walked by. Her shorts were SHORT and her top was, to say the least, revealing. I was sure that our gents would have to comment. I didn't have long to wait.

"Now that's nice," my hubby said.

I chuckled to myself, thinking that the old boy wasn't so old afterall.

"What's that?" my friend's husband inquired.

My guy pointed a finger at the object of his attraction.

"Yeah, that's nice," his friend said. "Dodge is putting out some nice vehicles now. Black looks real sharp, especially with all that chrome."

My husband nodded in agreement.

I grinned. Time had moved on. What was attractive in a man's twenties was replaced by new eye catchers, in his sixties.
God bless the aging process!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I took an elderly friend downtown, for groceries. She's a sweet lady. This got me to thinking about how life has a way of softening some people, while others remain, or get to be, mean and nasty.
Years ago, I worked at an irrigation company, as a bookkeeper. A well-to-do farmer came in, on a regular basis. I would see him, chatting with my boss, or when he was ordering parts. I had no reason, or opportunity, to talk to him.
One day, I was the only one in the office, as the rest of the crew was busy in the shop. The farmer walked up to the parts counter and stood for a minute before I went out to talk to him. He wanted to see my boss. I told him that I would get him, and could I tell my boss who wanted to see him.
The farmer's face grew red and he practically screamed at me, "I've been a customer here for YEARS. You should KNOW WHO I AM."
He then told me his name, which I never forgot. From then on I always thought, "Here comes that a_s h__e, Mr_____! No, I never forgot his name!!!
Many years later, I was coming out of the grocery store and saw a frail, bent over, gent being helped from a car. He walked carefully and shakily towards the door of the store. I recognized him as Mr.___. And I surprised myself by feeling such empathy for him.
I said, "Hello, Mr. ___."
He looked at me and smiled. "I'm sorry," he said. "I'm getting old and I don't recognize people like I used to. Will you tell me who you are?"
I gave him my name and we chatted for a few moments. He was just returning from Calgary, where he was taking treatments for an illness. He was staying with his daughter and they had decided to grab a few groceries before going to her place.
I shook his hand, and we said goodbye. As I turned to walk away, he said, "Thank you for taking time to talk to me."
I about fell over.
As this memory drifts through my mind today, I think how aging levels the playing field. And if we're fortunate, we are left here long enough to learn our lessons about humility.

Many blessings,

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Enjoy Each Day

I smile as I recall my friend Irene and I pulling our newly purchased luggage through the Sears department store, last week. I noticed the curious stares and leaned over to whisper to Irene, "Ask one of them which way it is to the terminal." She said, "I will not!!." Darn. Would have loved to see the response, but didn't dare do it myself either.

***Share your "fun-friend" time with me and my readers. Love to hear them. Share your comments.***

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The image formed again in my mind’s eye; walls of rock-like that of a castle- an arch with a heavy door near the corner of a room. Magnificent light streamed through a keyhole and out from under the door. A hand, holding a skeleton key, reached from darkness into light, towards the keyhole.
What did it mean?  Why was I being given this vision?
As I worked on a craft that I’d promised a friend, the vision flashed again in my mind’s eye. I tried to push it aside but it refused to leave.
“Do you want to channel this drawing through me?” I asked Spirit. Energy rushed through my body. I had a YES.
Putting the craft aside, I reached for white paper and a pencil. Closing my eyes, I took a few deep breaths and relaxed. My hand began to move across the paper, as individual pieces of the vision flashed in my mind; the rock wall, arch, door, keyhole, key, hand, bright light. The drawing ended. My hand settled on the table, relaxed, let go of the pencil, then slowly slid from the table, into my lap.
My eyes remained closed, as I imagined what had been drawn. What would it look like? Would it be as beautiful as it was in my mind’s eye?
PICASSO, was my first thought, when I viewed the arrangement, or rather disarrangement, of pieces of the vision.  As I looked closer, I could see that all parts were there, but appeared as puzzle pieces dumped from a box. I wasn’t disappointed, just curious. What did it all mean?
As I made the bed the next morning, my answer came, whole and complete. Spirit said, “The key to heaven’s door comes one step, one item at a time. That is why you have been given one item at a time, to draw. This, like your spiritual search, appears confusing. But together they make the “whole”.
Thank you Spirit!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Kitty Shows Love and Concern

I was giving a Reiki treatment to an elderly lady whose shoulder was in extreme pain. As it was easier for her, I had her sit on a chair. She closed her eyes, breathed deeply and began to relax as the gentle energy flowed. A few minutes had passed when I heard a meow. Her cat had its front legs on my client's right thigh, a concerned look in its eyes. It gave another tiny meow and patted her hand a number of times with a paw. The lady opened her eyes and said, "It's okay Callie." The cat gave one tiny meow of acceptance and moved down and away.

I was so touched by this expression of love and concern, from an animal, for its mistress. Love is love no matter where it comes from.