One evening I was reading Kundalini Visions by Kala Maitri. In her book she talked of having your angels or healing team run Reiki while you sleep, thus providing "gentle energy clearing and integration". She then listed the different kinds of Reiki for them to run and then said to ask that it be "completed for your highest good."
I was amazed when reading this and asked my Reiki guide if this was possible. The response was "Yes." I then asked if my guide and angels would perform Reiki on me if I asked them to. Again the response was "Yes."
That night after completing my self-treatment, I requested that my Reiki guide and angels give me a Reiki treatment. I then lay down, expectantly. Within moments I could feel a tingling begin in my left foot. I lay very still. I could feel the energy move up my leg and my foot began to twitch. Soon I could feel it in the left side of my neck. And then the left side of my upper lip began to quiver-much like when you're eyelid gets that uncontrollable twitch.
As this settled down, my left leg bent up towards me, my foot dragging along the sheet. I relaxed totally, concentrating on these astonishing happenings. Once the foot was near my bottom, the leg lifted, ever so gently, and the left knee crossed over my right thigh and remained there. It reminded me of when I had been to the chiropractor and he put me in that position to crack my back. But there was no cracking and no pain.
I remained in that position for a minute or two. As the sensations of energy left my body, I lowered my leg, gave thanks to my guide and angels and drifted into a full-night of blissful sleep. The pain that I'd had in the sciatic nerve, on my left side, was GONE.
The next evening after doing my Reiki self-treatment, I again asked if my Reiki guide and angels would give me an extra Reiki treatment. The answer was "Yes." I lay expectantly, but didn't feel the energy or movement in my body, as I had the night before. The next day I asked, "Did you give me Reiki?" The answer was "Yes." "But I didn't feel it," I said. "So tonight can you make me feel it on the right side?" The answer was "No". And the answer as to why came into my mind whole and complete. "We do not control the Reiki, anymore than you control it when you give a session to a client." So true. Reiki goes where it is needed. This was shown to me, by the Reiki working on my left side, where I had been suffering with my sciatic nerve. The next evening, when I felt nothing, I have faith that the Reiki was still working. But it was also teaching me that we DO NOT control the Reiki. I have a friend who described it this way: "Look at a plugged in tea kettle. The tea kettle is your client. You are the Cord/Channel. And God/Universal Energy/Source is the electrical outlet. You don't control the energy going to your client anymore than the cord controls the energy going to the tea kettle. Source does."
Thank you!
Many blessings as we continue to learn together.