Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Reiki Energy-Learning not to "BRING IT ON"

When I gave my first Reiki treatment, my body wasn't flooded with Reiki energy. I was sure that I was a failure, or perhaps the Divine didn't find me to be a suitable channel. I guess I wanted "bells and whistles" that said, "Look at her. She is one terrific practitioner." Perhaps that was part of it. But my biggest concern was that if I couldn't feel it, then maybe my client couldn't feel it and maybe, the energy wasn't coming through. And if the energy wasn't coming through then how could I possibly set up a Reiki business?

It took time to learn to relax, to breathe deeply, and to get the "monkey mind" quieted. Also I found that I had to be more conscience of my own health: proper sleep, nourishment, etc. And it was priority to do Reiki self-treatments on a daily basis. I found that if I did my treatment in the evening, before bedtime, I slept like the proverbial babe.

I began to feel the energy. And when I wasn't flooded with it, I found that it was my clients who were feeling it instead. Sometimes we both would.

A treatment given to a child taught me to just let the energy flow. A child's attention span is very short, when they are young, and I was barely into the treatment, when my young client said, "Okay, let's quit now." Wanting to prolong the treatment, but not wanting to force the child to lay still, I said, "Why don't you tell me your favorite story." As the story proceeded, I listened and commented. My attention was shared between the Reiki and the child's happy voice. AND THE ENERGY FLOWED THROUGH ME IN LOVING WAVES. It was clear to me that I did not have to FORCE the energy. It knew how to come and where to go.

If you're new to Reiki, be patient with yourself. And treat your body like the special vessel that it is. Above all, practice, practice, practice. Like my angel told me, "The Only Time You Fail Is When You Quit." So don't quit. Reiki will take you on a most amazing journey. Stay with it. And many blessings to you.

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