Reiki Principles
by Dr. Usui

Just for today, I will not be angry.

Just for today, I will not worry.

Just for today, I will be grateful.

Just for today, I do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

"Each of us has the potential of being given a gift by the divine, which results in the body and soul becoming unified ... a great many people will experience the blessings of the divine ... Through it, the human being will first be made healthy, and then peace of mind and joy in life will be increased."Dr Mikao Usui
Our physical bodies exist within a larger "body", a human energy field or aura, which is the vehicle through which we create our experiences of reality, including health and illness. It is through this energy field that we have the power to heal ourselves. This energy body - only recently verified by scientists, is the starting point of all illness" Barbara Ann Brennan  " Hands Of  Light " 

 Reiki's Benifits

 Reiki works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.  
 Strengthens the immune system.
 Helps relieve pain.
 Aids in healing every known physical and mental illness.
 Works on the symptoms and their deeper cause.
 Relieves stress. Increases relaxation.
 Balances and harmonizes the function of glands and organs.
 Clears energy blockages and suppressed emotions.
 Balances the chakras.
 Works  with traditional medicine by improving its results.
 Provides limitless benefits of spiritual growth and increases intuition.
 The benefits of Reiki are not limited to healing! Reiki can be used on situations,
  to achieve goals, to overcome obstacles. Use it for everything.