Saturday, May 4, 2013


1.     Building a nest:
Visualize your dream and put it into action. Mold it and change it until it is what your heart desires.

2.      Hatching eggs:
No dream will burst forth without dedication and constant effort.

3.     Raising their young:
When your idea has “hatched”, it still requires care to fully develop.

4.     The young dove flying:
Attention to all of the above will guarantee maturation of your visualization.


Many blessings, on your journey to fulfilling your every dream! 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dove Love

Ahh, DOVE LOVE continues. They're always together, adding to their nest, building their life as a pair. There are other doves around, but these two pay little attention to them. They concentrate on the importance of one another and the development of their life together.
Good example for us humans!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Follow Your Dream

 We have heard doves in our neighbor's yards and have seen them sit on the eavestrough, at the back of our home. But they never paid any attention to the huge pine trees, on our front lawn. However, this past week, I noticed a pair checking out our pines. They flew from one to the other. They sat and cooed, then moved to still another spot within one particular tree. They came to a decision, and these last two days I have watched them building a nest. With great care, they choose a bit of dried grass, or weed and bring it to the pine. Determined, they build their "dream", one step, one piece, at a time. And when they're through, they will have succeeded "bringing into form", that which was once only "a vision".
Here is a beautiful, feathery lesson, to follow your dream.

Be determined.
Don't give up.
Allow your dream to become reality.
Many blessings!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Grace of Reiki

The other day, I had an unsettling experience. I was at an outside market in Arizona. One place sold large quartz crystals. Some were immense. I said to the gal, “How on earth do you manage to move these from place to place?” She scowled and said, “Haven’t you heard of a forklift, lady?” I was taken aback by her attitude, so decided to make light of it. “Good one.” I said and lightly touched her jacket’s sleeve as I walked passed. She hollered at me, “Don’t touch me!” I started to say sorry, but couldn’t get a word in. “I will answer you questions about these crystals. I will sell you these crystals,” she yelled, “but that doesn’t give you a right to touch me!” I moved away, as she reached for some hand soap (antiseptic??) and some paper towel. I don’t know what she did with them because I hastened to the back of the shop, stunned.
But then I had a calmness come over me.I know that we are all ONE. I sent Reiki, to her higher self and moved with it’s grace through the rest of the day.
If this incident had taken place before Reiki was such an important part of my life, I would have been angry and devastated.
I will be forever grateful for Reiki teachings.
Many blessings!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Found - A Canadian Gem

It is such a joy for the soul to feel a kinship with another being. Such was my delight when I "met" Peter Jack Rainbird, through his music and exchanged emails. Even his prose is music. Many may ask, "Who is Peter Jack Rainbird?" This was also my question when I received an email newsletter from Paul Elder, author of Eyes of an Angel. I began to research Peter Jack and listen to his music. At first I thought his music was purely instrumental, but soon learned that he was a singer and a song writer. (Leonard Cohen sings "Waiting for the Miracle", written by Peter Jack Rainbird.)It was at this point that I knew, here was a Canadian gem, that may not be known in all circles. What a shame, that Canadian "stars" have such a struggle to become known. Take a few moments to let Peter Jack's music wash over you. This is as close to heaven as we can get, while grounded on earth. Many blessings!

Friday, January 11, 2013


I had my eyes tested and while the gal was fitting my frames I told her that I thought she had a great place to work, because the energy felt so peaceful. She started to laugh, then said, "Please tell our boss that!" She went on to say that the day before they had a customer that was particularly nasty, to her, and it put the whole staff's day "in the toilet".
I said that many times this kind of treatment says more about the person saying it, than it does about the one receiving it.
She waved another staff member over and said to me, "Please tell her what you said to me, about the energy in here!"
I did and said that I thought they all worked well together. They both agreed that they did, and thanked me again for "brightening their day". They were going to share this with their boss.
I left wearing a smile. We never know when what we say, quite casually, can brighten or dim someone's day.

Friday, January 4, 2013


While shopping for groceries the other day, I heard an angry female voice say, "Well THIS is what you dragged me down here for!"
I turned towards her, as she waved something in front of a bent-over, elderly lady's, wrinkled face. The old lady stared at the floor, never saying a word, as the young woman glanced at me, then marched off, before I could say a word. The old lady, on unsteady feet, struggled to keep up.
It was heartbreaking to hear such a cruel tone used on someone who could well have been this girl's grandmother.
What goes around, comes around, I thought. One day the young are old and there's a young woman who's in for a big shock.

**KARMA**- The force generated by a person's actions