Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Follow Your Dream

 We have heard doves in our neighbor's yards and have seen them sit on the eavestrough, at the back of our home. But they never paid any attention to the huge pine trees, on our front lawn. However, this past week, I noticed a pair checking out our pines. They flew from one to the other. They sat and cooed, then moved to still another spot within one particular tree. They came to a decision, and these last two days I have watched them building a nest. With great care, they choose a bit of dried grass, or weed and bring it to the pine. Determined, they build their "dream", one step, one piece, at a time. And when they're through, they will have succeeded "bringing into form", that which was once only "a vision".
Here is a beautiful, feathery lesson, to follow your dream.

Be determined.
Don't give up.
Allow your dream to become reality.
Many blessings!

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