Wednesday, May 25, 2011


When I first began practicing Reiki, I felt a tremendous responsibility for curing my client. I had to learn to stay out of the way and let the Reiki flow, as it was needed. I found that clients new to Reiki thought it would be a quick fix, not requiring any action on their part. Those who were serious about improving their lives, were interested in knowing what they could do, between sessions. They took control of their own "stuff" as it was being released by the treatments, and were grateful to the Reiki for its gentle nudges.

John Harvey Gray (Centre of Reiki Healing) now deceased, put it in a wonderful way that I would like to share with you:
"We as Reiki practitioners are not responsible for the healing process. The person (or animal) can get better, or worse, or nothing may change.
We should never claim credit, nor take blame for the results of a Reiki session. Our only job is to deliver the energy.
The only two healers are the Reiki energy and the body receiving the energy."
-John Harvey Gray-

As you continue your Reiki practice, lighten up! Relax, let it flow through you, the channel, being ever grateful for your part in the delivery of this loving energy.

Many blessings of light and love, as you continue your journey.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it's really important not to let your ego or personal desires get in the way of the healing process. Reiki is different for each person, and we can't fall into the trap of "judging" ourselves based on the results. If one really requires external validation to reinforce one's abilities, one should take comfort from performing the process with compassion and devotion - the ends will take care of themselves.
